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Meeting 03/12/00 converted to ley by ObiJuan's memory

SR Senior Ref's Meeting Summary

This summary is mainly to clarify and make club members aware of the new rules changes that were decided at the meeting and a brief explanation of some of the reasoning behind it.
NB: As this article is written by me; the expanations are my interpretion of the discussion.

Rules Changes

The maximum skill points that a character can amass before being asked to retire their character has been dropped back down to 45 skill points (it's original level). The retirement cap was originally raised to it's current level with the consensus that there would be much harder monsters. However after seeing the impact of the initial change on the club it was decided we were right first time for many reasons of which these are just a few and in brief.

  • A character can feasibley be everything. They no longer have to plan what they can buy.
  • The extreme between starter and the high end characters was too severe and as they often mixed on parties, it generally meant a walk through for the high end and no point in the starters being there.
  • Possibly the most apt: It simply spawned a shit load more combat monsters who could buy as many combat skills as possibly with out having to worry about being imbalanced (point 1 related).
  • Having a longer character lifespan encouraged members to play the same pc constantly with nothing to prompt versatility. This also brings up the problem of people becoming too precious about a single character and they're more likely to look after their favourite pc's interest (ie. cheat).
  • The high-end characters that are present are generally no fun to play, annoy monsters and fundamentally have only served to imbalance the system.

Elves have too much miravoire. Free Miravoire is now going to be restricted. A elf will still be allowed to request the full amount of Miravoire entitled to them but there will a predetermined stock of miravoire for that term (to be decided - Mark). This means that greedy pc elves could cripple the flow of Miravoire or clean out the free potions for other PC elves. Obviously if they did this then the other PCs would have an issue with the elf in hand.

  • Free Miravoire is one of the reasons why elves are so damn hard and imbalances the race card. Free potion, allows elves to use their abilities freely which in turn bumps up their life. More life, more ability use etc.
  • People who had played long term elves all felt that as well as make them viewed as a power players race it also devalued their abilities. If you can simply bust off abilities without having to worry about the consequences they become common place and less magical. Making the risk of using abilities more make them more precious to the characters and their use given much better thought.
  • The idea of a limited stock and possible IC confrontations over misuse of supplies appeals to us and will generate more roleplay.
  • Characters will treat miravoire more preciously. What it does is damn swish and characters should always be aware of it.
A new way of dealing with unlawful characters has been devised. Firstly a general set of laws are to be written by Waxy & Phil; then confirmed by Mark which will govern the punishment for certain offences. As well as the obvious hangings, jail sentences are to introduced that can cover more petty crimes. Being pulled for a petty crime can put your player in jail. Whilst serving the sentence that character cannot be played. Also certain skills that cannot be practised in jail may or may not be lost.
  • The law needs more power to punish criminals without having to totally screw a character.
  • The law can be more efficient in arresting who they like without pissing off the thief who may have felt they've done a grand job.
  • The law can be feared more and demand respect; especially when comes to lippy and argumentative characters.
  • Being dodgy has a new phat downside, that provides more roleplay opportunites.
  • Characters can know basic law so they can arrest other people. Criminals also know the consequences of their actions so they can't plead OOC ignorance.

    Administration Change

    Steve is the new complaints officer, replacing Dan (Waxy).


    Mark has landed an editorial position making him the authority on Drow for an extensive web portal. To aid this and to enforce our web presence, a concise Underdark website is being commisioned that assimiliates all the SR Underdark and Drow related online material and inserts it into the current SR layout, design and branding.
    Forsaken Realms is going to have it's own flash based minisite which is under production. Designed in flash because it's my thang and flash is great.

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