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(The Most Famous Drow Played)

Transcript of a conversation with Mourn, of the mercenary company Lil Velkyn Z'Ress, and an un-named source in a tavern in V'elldrinnshar

You are late, and that is unwise of you. People have expired for considerably less, so why should I not aid you in joining them ?

What would be the gain ?! Either you are very astute or extremely stupid. To the Drow, the act itself would be the gain. However, as you are talking to a member of Lil Velkyn Z'ress and we are mercenaries, your point is true enough……so……you live, for now. What is it you wish to discuss; Degar was not forthcoming on the subject matter.

I see……an insight into the underworld of V'eldrinnshar. I am intrigued as to what use you shall make of it, since information is power, but I will go along with it. After all, there is no-where you can hide from us if you cross us.

The underworld is similar to the power mad schemes of the Great Houses, with delicate alliances and subtle deceits being preferred methods until the time for a camouflaged expert and a sharp knife arrives. There are fewer outright battles in the underworld; armour costs money and every Drow is a born assassin, so why waste troops when no-one is paying for them. Most criminal gangs are swiftly either eradicated or recruited by Merchant groups or Mercenary units, and serve as foot soldiers until any latent talents they might have are noticed by their masters or mistresses. A Thieves Guild does exist, but rumour has it that this is because a ruling House either runs it or protects it and makes use of it's expertise. For most 'problems', the Houses and families call on the expensive services of we mercenaries.

Where do we work ? Why, everywhere ! Look about you, and your eyes will probably have taken in at least one mercenary in every five beings you saw. We can become guards of great houses, without them knowing, and can infiltrate almost any of the great corridors of power. We even work on the surface, considerably more than House troops ever would, as opportunities up amongst the shorter lived races are limitless, and what fear cannot get you, money almost certainly will.

No we are not all Vheraune worshippers, although it is true to say that many in the Underworld hold no great love for the Priestesses of The Spider Queen; perhaps the fairest comment on religion is to say that no-one asks in the Underworld, and neither should you.

Special weapons ?! Well, a few perhaps that are out of the ordinary for Drow; garrotts and short bows are used by us quite effectively, and two handed short swords in order to get close to an enemy and kill him with maximum force and minimum movement, or parry large weapons as we close on their wielder. Throwing stars and knives are favoured for obvious reasons, as is the ubiquitous hand-bow. Other than these, the only times that we use special weapons is when we wish to pin the blame for their use on others; a knife with a distinctive sigil in a mage's back could indicate the mage whose sigil it is, and who would question a wood elf with an orcish arrow in his throat, or a human with a Kagonesti spear through him. To us, living on the edge, the real weapons of our trade are our minds and instincts; the only walls we can hide behind are those our cunning has made alliances for. Intrigue and mystery serve us where shields serve House Warriors, but I for one enjoy the lifestyle. After all, what is life amongst The Drow, without notoriety !

Ah, Degar you ask. Well, who can say where he came from. I have heard many guesses; a former Weaponsmaster, an Avatar of Veraeun, a doppleganger, maybe a noble of a great House, still secretly supported until his mission is complete. I do not know, in truth, but he is certainly the match for most Weaponsmaters I have seen, he seems at ease with any or no religion, and makes more than enough money from our many ventures. I choose to consider that he may be just an incredibly talented, and lucky commoner, who used his talents to form and maintain Lil Velkyn Z'ress as you know it today. Still, with his outrageous dress-code, and his powerful arsenal of magical items, he is a figure as much in demand for party appearances as for our paid services; he is even considering starting an Escort service as a result, although that may ruffle a few feathers amongst the professionals in that area……..well of course we have them, this IS a decadent society after all !

Well, I must leave now, a small matter to attend to and then drop into the lake attached to weights. Here, try this; the knife is coated in a poison of my own design, which will turn any victim into the semblance of a Gasherim for nearly half a cycle of the Gems. Who would question anyone thus exposing a Gasherim spy in our midst ? That's right, just slide it into them about there, so you collapse a lung and they are less likely to be able to scream. What ? Never !!?? Well, suit yourself, but you don't know what you are missing.