The Western Realms Gazette

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Gith Invasion Evaded
Military baffled by mystery disappearance

Dellgate breathed a huge sigh of relief as it seems the Gith threat has been averted. However the authorities are not relaxing due to the already bizarre circumstances involving their initial appearance, invasion of the Outlands and now similarly sudden disappearance.
As reported in our last issue, a large Gith force, with no warning, invaded the Dellgate Archaeological and Historical Society's excavation site through a defunct portal located deep in the Outlands. During the invasion notable scholars and noble Sir Eusarious Calidor were lost in the ensuing slaughter.
When the military and Adventurers Guild led an counter-strike in an attempt to shut the portal they were easily repulsed by the Gith who sported a dangerous new foe and the authorities feared that they would march on an undefended Dellgate. However their fears were unfounded as the Gith remained put, showing no sign of advancing. This instigated a tense and drawn out waiting game as the Gith set up boundaries effecting their own territory.
What their motivation was nobody yet knows but in the early hours of the 1st of this cycle an army scouting party found no evidence of the Gith presence and with further investigation led to the assumption that the Gith had made a complete withdrawal.
Since then small groups of army scouts have in fact reported no evidence of Gith and more worrying any evidence of DAHS casualties.
This would have satisfied the authorities if not for the reports regarding the supposed magical jamming of the area. With the reports confirmed the Mages Conclave expressed a deep concerned that they are unable to scrye the invasion site despite the Gith's perceived absence. It is for this reason that the military are still cordoning off the territory with regular patrols watching out for any Gith presence.
When mages were sent in to the area to locate the portal in which the Gith had entered the Realm, they only found a defunct ruin, seemingly incapable of any such function.
This mysterious disappearance has led strategists to believe that this was meant as a diversion for the Chaos force now sweeping along the other side of the Outlands and that in some way the Gith are working alongside the Drow as they did during the alliance war.
Whatever the current situation, the military's attention is now focused on the marching force led by Holosade.

Peregrim Bright

Latest Murder Strikes Dellgate

The latest in the serial killings rocking Dellgate occurred in the early hours of the fourth, despite a recent curfew imposed by the militia. This draws the question as to whether the state of martial law after dark imposed on Dellgate last week is proving useful.
As a result of these murders the city of Dellgate has been under the direct control of the militia after dark for several days, following an announcement by Grullman Creed on the second. Travel after sundown requires a permit from the King's executives, and failure to produce one on request results in a mandatory three-day jail sentence and public flogging. Whilst very few have been caught by the militia, this is believed by many to be less to do with their presence than with that of the murderers that are still at large. All of the murders have occurred after dark, and with their peculiar and sickening nature, along with the impotence of any attempts to catch the perpetrators, many fear to leave their homes after dark.
The precise details of the latest murder are being kept secret, for fear of heightening the already near-hysterical atmosphere. We have been able to find out some information about the nature of the crime through various sources, although it is proving difficult to ascertain what is fact and what is hearsay.
The only facts that we are sure of are that there were two witnesses. Both have been placed into the care of the Temple of Sheetra, where various attempts are being removed to remove them from their catatonic states. The three victims, whose names have not been released, were drained of blood by some unknown means. The unfortunate witnesses are believed to have been made to consume the blood drained from the victims. Anything more is sheer conjecture.
It can only be guessed that these are the acts of highly intelligent yet criminally insane persons. The motives of the killers are unknown, and indeed probably there are no motives other than a deranged bloodlust.
Assuming that this is the work of those responsible for last cycles slaughter at the Lepers Bell, and for the murder of Dala Wainwright some time ago, then there are presumed to be two perpetrators, one male, one female. They may disguise their features with masks whilst they carry out their crimes. They are believed to be of reasonable income, judging by the reports of those that have seen them.
The WRG would ask those with any relevant information to come forward, either to our offices, or to Captain Tinsley, now heading the militia's investigation.

Sosay Gruffnut

Trafarian Special Report - WRG Gagged!

Lady Trafarian was heavily guarded on her way to court

Once again controversy surrounds the Trafarian name. In an unprecedented move, Court has produced a silencing order, preventing the Western Realms Gazette from publishing evidence that it has assembled regarding the judgement of the Marquis Trafarian and subsequently the Trafarian name and estate.
The Marquis disappeared in suspicious circumstances almost a year ago apparently kidnapped by bandits. Since then, accusations of pacts made with underground demonic cults have been levelled at the Trafarian name by a number of groups most prominently the church. The truth of these was to be evaluated by a court of law, due to start proceedings on the morning of the fifth day of this cycle.
Scandal has become synonymous with the Trafarian name of late. Shortly after the death of her husband, Lady Trafarian herself was subjected to similar accusations of devil worshipped and when she too went missing, it prompted a massive search operation by the Kings executives. Her reappearance was met with new revelations, as it was revealed exclusively by the gazette that the Trafarian estate was to revert to the Crown, as the Lady had born no heir to her husband. Furthermore was the purposeful delay of the official inquest into the late Marquis as with public opinion so damning and it's implications on the aristocracy the authorities were desperate to make the case as clean cut as possible. With a vital piece of evidence let foolishly slip by, the courts have had no option to finally let the hearing take place.
The latest shocking news is the production of a child that, it is claimed, is the heir to the Trafarian estate. Facts are hard to

ascertain, but it seems that this child has secured the Lady's hold on her late husband's estate if the Marquis is cleared. Bound to prey on the Lady's mind are the rumours that have already begun to surface. Is this child is the Marquis's, or does it even belong to the Lady?

The trial of the Marquis was due to open in Avondale on the morning of the fifth. At this inquest, parties were due to present evidence to a group assembled to decide the official stance on what happened to the Marquis. The officials gathered are known to include witch hunters, mages, scholars of law, and priests of Serin an Sheetra. The names of those sitting on the group have been kept a closely guarded secret.
The Western Realms Gazette has been conducting its own investigations, and we believe we know the awful truth about the Marquis Trafarian. As we were due to print, the Kings Bailiffs' served us an injunction banning us from commenting in any way about the evidence that we have gathered.
It then came to light that the inquest had been postponed. In an unprecedented move, lawyers working for both sides represented in the case collaborated to suspend proceedings. It appears that both sides are attempting to gather new evidence that they believe is within their grasp. The nature of this evidence is unknown, but it is clear that the group in charge of proceedings has given both sides an ultimatum, that the hearing will commence on the morning of the eleventh. This throws up many important questions. What is the evidence sought both by those who would condemn the Trafarian name and those who would see the late Marquis cleared? Why has the WRG been banned from printing what it believes to be the truth?
How long can the authorities delay justice? And will Lady Vionna Trafarian be able to keep her late husband's estate?
What is sure is that the inquest will soon ascertain the truth of the rumours surrounding the Marquis. This has the potential to rock the aristocracy to the core, and if the rumours are proved to be true witch-hunts throughout the nobility are inevitable.

Sosay Gruffnut

Western Realms Gazette

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