On the 12th Day
of the 3rd Cycle
The Western Realms Gazette

The Harsh Light of Truth
Only 1cp
Issue 4
Packed with truth
Infernal Intervention
Demonic Forces Intervene in Mercia

Intense battling between Mercia and the Western Realms was shattered by a large battalion of unknown soldiers who forcibly attacked both armies taking them utterly by suprise.
As Duke Nazgar's troops pushed the Mercian army of De'Bouveron back across the Jénolar river both the Western Realms and Mercian counterparts were besieged by what was believed to be a demonic horde, disrupting the battle and routing both sides.
Up to this point the Duke's Winter Campaign had been entirely successful with strategic strikes potentially crippling the Mercian Military.
As predicted by Western Realm's tacticions, the strength of the Baron De'Bouveron was weak and the newly unified Western Realms forces easily marched deep into his province, razing crops and destroying military stockades.
With specialist information gathered by intelligence the Duke was able to besiege the estate of

Mercian troops overwhelmed by demon army

the Baron De'Bouveron forcing the Baron to flee his lands leaving the mercenaries he had hired to pillage the principality. With such impetus Duke Nazgar continue his drive into Mercia and attempted to halt the troops of the Marquis Jule Lacroix from joining with Bouveron's depleted troops. It was then for some unknown reason infernal forces chose this moment to make their presence felt.
Duke Nazgar's army engaged those of the Marquis Lacroix at the edge of the Jénolar river who were intending to staunch the momentum of our forces allowing time for De'Bouveron to
continued overleaf


I write this editorial with great dejection for over the last week violent threats have been made against this fine publication and contention regarding its integrity.
I would like to make it clear that the Western Realms Gazettes relationship with Sir Montgomery FitzWilliam-Murdoch in no way affects the validity or political stand point of this periodical.
As chief editor I see that your faithful WRG holds true to all the ideals of truth, fairness and impartiality in the field of reporting and distribution of valuable content to the masses. The WRG reports the facts and I challenge anyone to prove that the integrity of the WRG is lacking. It is my hope that you the reader fully appreciate the service performed for you by my valiant staff who risk arm and leg to deliver valuable and insightful information that you would otherwise be denied. I ask of those who understand the worth of the WRG to support it against yobs and unthinking hooligans who have no conception of its social importance.

Peregrim Bright
escape across the water. As Lacroix's fresh soldiers clashed with ours both sides were split, breaking into the field into two separate battles. By the end of the day the Dellgate 3rd Infantry had successfully routed LaCroix's own battalion and disrupted the Mercian archers. With the right flank broken, Lacroix's troops retreated back to their boats moored on the river's bank or scattered into the nearby forest. With this discisive turn in the conflict, the 3rd Infantry swung round to rejoin the spilt army. At this point the reports are garbled.
As the Third Infantry rejoined the main force they were apparently charged from behind by the very troops they had just defeated. Dead soldiers rose up to once again to do battle and corpses moulded together forming sick abominations which tore into both sides. Meanwhile from the forest the skirmishers and fleeing forces of Lacroix were engulfed in a tide of wolf-like demons which poured out of the woodland and into the two armies.
In the confusion Lacroix pulled his troops back onto the boats fleeing to across the river and Duke Nazgar quickly initiated a continous fighting retreat, reforming his troops and backing his army all the way to a Mercian fort taken earlier that day.
Meanwhile the Admirality have reported attacks on their ships by strange sea creatures and flying atrocities along Mercian shores.
The Duke has now issued an order to withdraw all forces operating in Mercia.
Whether this is the intervention of a darker power such as the black magicians of the Zhentrim aiding Mercia or a new threat has befallen our neighbours.
Whatever the case a glorious victory for our army has been left with a sick aftertaste suggesting a new threat to Mercia and perhaps the Western Realms.

Peregrim Bright

Outlands In Ruin
Excavation Unearths Gith Peril / Noble missing

Picture From WRG Observer Proves New Gith Doomguard Unstoppable

On the 27th day of the 3rd cycle deep in the Outlands members of the Dellgate Archaeological and Historical Society were hard at work examining the recently discovered ruins reported on in our last issue.
Then for no reported reason one of the site's curiosities, a degraded structure now known to be a portal sprang to life.
In minutes the territory was consumed by hordes of Gith and their metal infantry, the doomguard who surged out of the active portal and into the Outlands. With no one able to shut the portal the Gith force began to quickly set up boundaries around the territory.
The depleted Dellgate Garrison were promptly warned by a small group of adventurers and an assembled battalion made up of Paladins, Army, Militia and Guild members rushed to counter strike the invaders before anymore numbers could pass into the Realms.
As the Dellgate force met the Gith they clashed with a frightening new foe. Labelled the Super Doomguard or Wargolem it was a giant monstrosity built of almost pure metal merged with flesh, quick, strong and almost unaffected by the valiant attacks of our warriors.
With the mind controlling powers of the Gith and the awesome fighting prowess of their newest creation, the Dellgate force realised they would be quickly overwhelmed and retreated with heavy losses.
With Dellgate's defenses removed from the action, present no one knows what the Gith are doing in there.
The territory owned by Sir Calidor is heavily guarded and no one has been able to see passed the Gith sentries and their hunting beasts.
Sir Calidor who was present at the site at the time of the Gith attack is presumed dead or missing along with a number of notable scholars and he is considered to have specialist knowledge about the site that could shed light on the Gith's appearance in the vicinity. Even more worrying are leaked reports that the Conclave of Mages are unable to scrye into the territory and that the Gith are employing some kind of magical jamming technique unknown to the Mages. What is clear is that little is known about these elven featured creatures and their motivation is a alien as they are.
So far Gith forces have not advanced, which if they did would prove a serious threat to Dellgate. This has furthermore confused Military Commanders who are trying to ascertain the Gith's possible goals and chain of command. At present the authorities have cordoned off the territory and are keeping their own sentries alert to any possible movement made by the Gith.
The Military are currently waiting for any support that can be spared by Drakeport's Navy and garrisons in Avondale.

Caspian Klent

The Truth Must Wait
Trafarian Inquest Delayed

The long awaited official inquest into the allegations of demon worship levelled against the late Marquis of Trafarian has been impeded as important potential new evidence recently came to light. The Crown's investigation into the Marquis was ready to be made public and the findings used to determine the fate of the tarnished Trafarian name and estate. Insider information obtained by the Western Realms Gazette indicated that despite the authorities best attempts, no real evidence could be made to stick against the Marquis apart from a collection of dubious statements made by what were deemed unreliable adventurers, many of which have since disappeared.
With the Trafarian name dragged deeply through the mud and public opinion damning the Marquis, the Aristocracy were hesitant to provide a report that could neither truly condemn the Marquis or clear him. Despite various attempts to draw the inquest out, the authorities knew that the public report would be unsatisfactory.
However a new lead has found its way to the investigators in the form of the Marquis' sword somehow recovered from the scene of his death. The sword has allegedly fallen into the hands of the Dellgate underworld and the investigative body are keen to obtain the item as it could confirm the statements made by the adventurers.
So far they have no idea who or exactly where the sword is but are aware that other interested parties are also keen on its recovery. Whether this new lead proves fruitful or not the authorities are running out of time to provide the courts with an answer.

Peregrim Bright

Dellgate Stunned by Latest Murder Massacre at Local Inn / Militia Stunned

The perpetrators wore deep hoods and masks to disguise their features

Dellgate is in a state of stunned silence following the latest in a number of murders that has shocked both the authorities and the general populous to the core. This time the death toll has been put as seven. For those of a stout enough disposition to read on, these are the facts as they are currently understood.
At approximately 9 o'clock in the evening on the 12th day of the 2nd cycle the two perpetrators entered 'The Lepers Bell', a well-known tavern in one of Dellgate's poorer regions. Inside were some twenty-five patrons, enjoying a nights drinking as they normally would. The main protagonist appeared to be a young woman of slight build, her accomplice was a man aged between 21 and 25. He was around six feet in height, of medium build, and, like the woman in question, dressed in a hooded black cloak. Plain white plaster masks hid the faces of both murderers and neither party spoke throughout the massacre, seeming occupied only by their crime.
On entering the premises the doors were somehow secured to prevent the escape of those inside. At this point eyewitness reports become vague. The consensus of opinion is that the first victim was arbitrary; following victims were picked by the person about to die. The murders were carried out in a manner so depraved that the head of the investigation by the Dellgate militia, Sergeant Falco, commented that 'for one to even think about such crimes would be to become an enemy of all society'.
The method of slaughter was the same in each instance. Each victim was first asked to nominate the next. The first was then tied to one of the tavern's chairs using an implement akin to an adze, the skin of the victim's face was delicately removed in one piece, so as to reveal the underlying musculature. Vertical cuts were made down each victim's spine resulting in flaps of skin that crudely resembled wings. The victim was then held aloft by the male perpetrator whilst the female made a set of incisions in the victim's abdomen. The viscera were drawn out and fashioned into a rudimentary hangman's noose. The victim was then subjected to a grim parody of a public execution, with the next victim in line made to kick the stool out from underneath the ill-fated individual. Finally, the right hand of each victim was severed and removed from the scene of the crime.
This is the picture as best it can be assembled from the numerous eyewitnesses. As expected, all are severely traumatised, with five of the most badly affected, all in a catatonic state, in the care of the Healers Guild. For reasons as yet unclear even magical means have managed to only temporarily lessen the severity of the witnesses' mental trauma.
The consensus opinion of the investigating officers is that the perpetrators must have in some way drugged all in the tavern, which would explain why none were able to prevent the massacre, and how it was that the victims remained conscious throughout their ordeal?
This begs several questions. Are these depraved murders linked to that of the Wainwright murder? Will the killers strike again? Who are they? And most of all, why have these crimes been carried out?
If anyone has any information relating to this most sickening of atrocities, Sergeant Falco can be contacted at the militia headquarters.

Sosay Gruffnut

Elves Keep Dragon
Diplomats find solution

Elven and Human diplomats have finally settled an agreement concerning the commotion over the Calidor Mithril Dragon.
The Dragon originally stolen by thieves from it's late owner, Merchant Baron, Caspa Faragill was recovered by dubious elven adventurer Torm who absconded with the antique to Silver Spires. When the human authorities demanded the arrest of Torm and recovery of the Dragon they were refused entry to Elven lands by the Elven authorities.
This seeming outrage provoked hostility between both governments with the humans viewing the elves retaining of the Dragon as outright theft. With the crimes surrounding the Dragon committed on human lands the human authorities believed that all evidence and subsequent investigation fell under their jurisdiction. With tempers flaring on both sides diplomats were rushed in to calm the situation.
After two months of discussion it has been grudgingly agreed that the elves will launch their own investigation into the events surrounding the theft of the Dragon with the artefact being returned to the human authorities once the elven investigation is over.

Lore Meravain
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