On the 12th Day
of the 9th Cycle
The Western Realms Gazette

The Harsh Light of Truth
Only 1cp
Issue 2
Drow Menace Revealed
Underdark Tunnels Reopened - Army Patrol Wiped Out

A horrifying report clarified the King's Rangers worst fears as fortifications sealing an old underdark hole near Ten Taverns were discovered destroyed and a ranking military unit slaughtered. Investigating the reports of drow activity and a violent confrontation covered in our last issue, a ranger team was dispatched to patrol the sealed underdark entrances left over from the Elven Alliance war. Word quickly flooded back to the Dellgate garrison that one of the magical seals holding the entrance shut had been disrupted and a military unit was instantly sent to patrol the area and ascertain the threat.
When the unit failed to report back the garrison went to high alert contacting the Elven Capital Silver Spires and gathering a special response team to repel any Drow offensive. Arriving at the reported tunnel the team followed the unit's tracks until they came across a scene of mass carnage; the unit killed to a single man.
The remaining survivor, Lieutenant Gurian Stolt, recounted a frightening encounter that has shocked the Elven and Human authorities alike,
'We were patrolling the area, everyone was tense and ready for action when this Drow stepped out onto the path right in front of the main group; it surprised us all as it had slipped passed our scouts but I know how it did that now. The Captain ordered us to form up and we prepared for the ambush but none came. The single Drow just stood there smiling at us, his face covered by a thick hood and two scimitars showing from beneath his cloak.
Continued on page four


With the escalation of violent and terrifying incidents, it is becoming increasingly apparent that something is going terribly wrong with our society.
In the current climate of depravity and immorality there is not doubt that we are on a sickening slope to ruin, all too visible by the events witnessed each day in the Outlands.

Spiritual corruption leads to physical destruction and it starts with each one of us, no matter how rich or poor. The path between evil and righteousness is a choice each person must make them self for it cannot be avoided.
Rather than sit by and witness the descent into the Abyss we must take heart and stand firm against this sea of darkness as it closes around us.
Each moral slight or misdeed is another stream feeding a river of hatred. Stand by those who uphold righteousness, keep yourself above the flood for it is easy to be swept up in its flow. If you cannot stand against the current, support those adventurers, whom not for money but for the sake of your souls dam this tide of evil.

Peregrim Bright

Lady Vionna Trafarian, widow of the disgraced Marquis of Trafarian, has disappeared from the Trafarian Estate.
With only two weeks until the official report on her late husband is made public, Vionna Trafarian has vanished from the family estate leaving no clue to her whereabouts.

On the 26th day of the 8th cycle, with only a few days to an exclusive interview with the Western Realms Gazette, Lady Vionna Trafarian told her daughter Elise that she was going for a late walk in the estate grounds. By morning the Lady had not returned and although the grounds-keepers searched for her, no trace of the Marquise was found. It seems even her tracks faded out of existence.
Talking to the distraught family and worried staff, it appears the Marquise was distinctly troubled that day and had been spending much time dwelling among her late husband's belongings. The Lady had not been seen much that day and took her meals in her quarters. It was only late that night that the Marquise emerged from the study and informed her daughter that she was going for a walk to clear her head and that she might be some time. Since that moment she has not seen again.
The King's Rangers were informed but so far are completely dumbfounded.

While allegations from the church surrounded the Lady of being a consort to her husband's alleged crimes of demon worship, the Marquises was involved in a desperate legal battle to maintain ownership of the Trafarian Estate. The cause of her mysterious disappearance is unknown although the Church and its

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supporters suggest that she fled from the damning truths that would be revealed in the forthcoming report. However it has been whispered that the Lady knew something about the evil practises of her husband and the dark forces decided to silence her.
The Lady's maid Shalis, was not surprised by the disappearance and when we spoke to her, we were offered another explanation for the whole affair,
'My lady has been distraught with grief ever since the Marquis passed away. She has been desperately trying to hang onto the estate while her and her husband's name have been dragged through the dirt. With this investigation into his lordships death we've had men searching through her estate, taking her property, going through her belongings, while people she believed to be her friends have turned their backs on her plight. The loss of a loved one is hard enough, but with all this adding to her misery I am not surprised she's tried to escape it all.'
Another to defend the Lady was the well known Paladin of Serrin, Sir Balin who when asked to comment on the accusations of devil worship aimed at the Lady, stated they were, 'a pack of lies'.
However Shylock Helms, the ranger in charge of the investigation into her disappearance was far less positive,
'Yes I agree that at present we have little to go on and have seemingly met a dead end, but it is of my opinion that when the official report is made public the answers to this mystery will be made clear. It will be then we'll pick up this case.'
So does this suggest that the Lady is indeed guilty of the crimes of her husband and has fled to avoid the consequences of her evil acts? Or has the emotional suffering inflicted upon her taken it's toll and Lady Vionna Trafarian has been broken by a cruel and victimising, judicial and religious regime?
Lore Meravain

Western Realms Gazette

Reporters Required

Applicants must be of smart appearance with a keen eye for a great story. Good Rate of Pay! Investigative powers essential!
No time wasters, Mercians or Elves need apply.
For further information contact the Western Realms Gazette Offices

Continued from front page
The Captain ordered him to surrender and it whispered its reply, cold and unearthly, 'Make me'. The unit pushed forward quickly, we'd faced Drow before and knew not to give them anymore time to act than we possibly could and at least twenty to one this Drow shouldn't have had a chance. It stepped into us, scimitars weaving, cutting the men down like marionettes. At first it looked as if it had missed until the men fell, thin lines of blood staining the air.

Nothing scratched it and that's when I ordered our battlemage to hit it with everything he had. Not a scratch, by Tempus nothing hurt it. Unfazed it walked straight up to Eris, took him by the neck and dropped him to the floor, dead. We'd come prepared for Drow but this was like nothing I have ever seen.
The men panicked but it was too late as he was on us so quickly. I saw my men fall around me, the Captain dropped to his knees, blood gurgling from his mouth and it left just me, bleeding among the carnage. The blood stung my eyes and I gasped for air as he looked at me, one of those wicked blades tucked neatly under my throat. Then he said to me, only a whisper but I heard every word so clearly,
'Tell your companions, human, that they are next.' Then he just walked away into the forest. I tell you; it was like no Drow that I ever saw, it was a demon. It was death himself.'
The appearance of such a deadly foe has put forward this official warning. If anyone comes across this lone Drow, do not under any circumstances try to engage it but alert the Rangers or Militia immediately. The unit it faced was a highly trained military command with mage support of which only one member survived.
The open underdark entrance has been resealed by the Mages conclave and information gained from them suggest that this creature is working on it's own but for what purpose they do not know. As to whether this creature is Drow or Demon the mages are not saying but from the Lieutenants report I'd choose the latter.

Caspian Klent

Mithril Dragon Stolen
Militia search for murderers of wealthy Merchant Baron

Merchant Baron, Caspa Faragill, new owner of the antique Mithril Dragon has been discovered dead. In a small clearing near the main trade route of Ten Taverns to Drakeport, Faragill was found murdered in the early morning of the 25th day of the 7th cycle, his family and guards amidst the massacre. Among the valuables carried by the caravan was the highly prized antique, the Mithril Dragon, which recently fetched 800 marks at auction put up by Sir Eusarious Calidor in order to raise money for the rebuilding of Dellgate after the damage done by the Goblinoid Horde. Along with horses and other valuables, a specially sealed box, which held the Dragon, had been taken from the crime scene.
Despite the mystery and shock surrounding the killing, Duke Nazgar's Militia believe that they have some very good leads to the whereabouts of the Dragon and the identity of the murderers. A statement made by the Commander of Duke Nazgar's Miltia, Grullman Creed, places the identity on a group of cultist's believed to worship Alryx, the same being involved in the Trafarian trial and who are still believed to be roaming the principality.
Despite the clumsiness of the massacre the Militia still believe this to be a professional job and some unsubstantiated information hints at Fireblade involvement, although how remains an enigma.
As well as a concerted effort by the Militia to apprehend the murderers a 2 Mark bounty has been placed on their heads for the leaders alive. Retiring noble and previous owner of the Dragon, Sir Eusarious Calidor has also offered an undisclosed reward for the returning of the prized antique and when asked about the tragedy the usually quiet noble remarked,
' Whenever some one has the decency to bring a shard of light into this sordid place, the darkness always has to overshadow it. This act of evil has left a stain on the good intentions of people everywhere. I am so very sorry.'
Through our own investigation we have found that the Militia do not believe the cultists actually have the Dragon but it is in the hands of a single person believed to be an elf, of who they are currently seeking to discover the whereabouts. Whether this elf is related to the possible Fireblade link we do not know, This recent massacre has rocked many local communities outside of Dellgate who now fear that their own lives may fall victim to these cultists who they were told did not exist. With the voice of local churches louder than ever, it is about time the authorities accept that the situation out of hand, join up with the church and put together a unanimous effort to purge the land of this blight.

Peregrim Bright

On fighting: a short appendix to Master Shoo Lee's treatise on the art of combat
By Master Li Den of the Kougan School of Fighting Arts

On the noble art of enlightened combat...
Many are those that would do you harm in Outlands, and many are those of you that seek to defend yourselves from their evil. At the Kougan school our scriptures say this: 'A good father is not a good father'. If you need this explained you are a fool. For those of you who do not understand, heed this. He who is poor in the ways of fighting but strives for excellence is a mightier warrior than he who has found excellence and knows his power.
On the dangers of missile weapons...
There are those who may be weak and wish to harm you at distance. These significant others vest their time in the skills of archery, and should not be underestimated. The force of arrow or bolt connecting will surely send you crashing to floor. You must fall with the motion of the missile, to fall with it is to rob it of its power. If you resist, it will only lodge farther inside.
On injuries to yourself...
Master Shoo Lee has already said, but again I mention, if foe sees you wounded he is likely to believe victory is his, and so he will back off - this gives you opportunity to recover. Similarly a foe may be blinded with anger and strike out at you with blind fury. His blows may be without focus, without focus his blows be of little effect and you may shrug them off as ox shrugs off flies. Heed this, or you are a fool.
On hand to hand fighting...
Your fist is weak, your fist is mighty. Your fist is neither metal nor stone, neither is it merely flesh and bone. Sometimes a blow with what is part of you may be mightier than any sword strike. This will only be true if you focus your strength with powerful and definite blows. If not, your foe may emerge unharmed from your flurry of spiritually weak strikes.

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